Monday, September 24, 2012

The Most Wonderful Time of My Year

It's officially Fall at the Taylor household. It's actually officially Fall outside too but I don't think most people ran out on the first official full day of Fall to get new decor for the entry way and a pumpkin scented candle. I did. And I spent my rainy Sunday crafting, nesting, decorating and watching football. Is there anything more perfect than that? What's crazy to think is that our baby girl will officially be a Fall baby. I love it! (Side note: I clearly don't know any other synonyms for "officially.")

Oh the weather outside...was freaking AMAZING.
Rainy and kinda cold. I am so ready for this.

Maybe the last time I'll get to use this???
Thank you Best Buy, for making us pregnant 
people feel just as privileged as the disabled.

Sunday decorating.

With the sweet smell of this filling my house. Love.

Our little babe is due in just 3 days. I can't believe it. I'm feeling pretty good still, just some uncomfortable contractions here and there (nothing consistent yet) and some back pain during the night...which I must say makes the rolling (literally) out of bed to pee 8-10 times extra, super fun. As terrified as I am to push a watermelon through a pinhole, I am SO excited to meet my daughter. She has no idea how loved she already is and what a crazy life her parents have planned for her :)

So glad I decided to place my thumb RIGHT into
the crease of my love handle. Seriously, what the hell?

And remember when I thought THIS was a "bump"? Ha!
(Please note: thumb placement, same as above, no love handle.)

Happy Fall friends and family. 
I sure hope my next post will be THE BIG ONE! Please keep those
fingers crossed and prayers strong that Kenna makes it into
this world happy, healthy and in one piece. Keep ya'll posted!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

38 Weeks and TAILGATING!

Well, our first home game tailgate of the year was a success! Not only did we get our most favorite tailgate spot in the whole world (thanks to my determined husband and Bobert waiting for University Drive to open at 4:30 A.M.!) but BSU also won! Thank the LORD for that. I don't think we could have handled a second loss this year...let me translate that, CARSON would have lost his sanity, become suicidal and I'd be left to raise this baby all by myself. Not good.

Kickin' things off at 11am with red beers.

Luckiest dogs in the world, seriously.

Game day bandanas ALWAYS...and Austin sure
looks like he just ate whatever was chillin' on that plate.


Love this girl
(Amanda and I)

Decent view huh?

Just a few of my favorite men

The set-up
(Not our stroller this time, but pretty good
 idea of what's in our near future!)

This one is for me...I took this because, as my adorable 
husband focused hard on cooking hotdogs, his tongue
 made an appearance. And I melted...he is so damn cute.
Just one of those moments I guess :)

Carson is obsessed with his new shoes...he was SO excited
to show them off at the game until he saw an old man go by on
a scooter in the same ones...yes, on a scooter.

Kind of hoping this is the last weekly chalkboard update...although that thought terrifies me, I am pretty over the whole pregnancy thing. My back hurts like a B and nothing fits me anymore. Oh AND we are SO anxious to finally meet the little human that we've been obsessing over for the past 9 months! She is still the size of a watermelon...guess there's not much else bigger than that. We are ready for our baby girl any day she decides to make her way into this crazy world...preferable tonight or tomorrow maybe?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Powell 2012- SUCCESS

No water birth in Powell for us! We made it back into "baby delivery range" without any issues. AND we had the most amazing vacation with 10 of our best friends. The weather was gorgeous, the lake temp was like a refreshing swimming pool and nobody royally pissed me off in any way. Although I was a GLAMOROUS (not) 8 months pregnant with 10 drunk people as my shipmates, I had a great time and was mostly comfortable the entire time. Now the countdown is on to Powell 2014! (only an estimated 725 days to go!)

Just a sneak peak of some of my favorite Powell pics...more to come soon.


Babe update: 38 weeks tomorrow...holy f. I am about 0.2 seconds away from becoming a mom to another human. We are seeing the doctor weekly now and had my second, super fun, vag check today. Doc says I'm thinning but not dilated yet. He also says I'm measuring at about 39 weeks and when I acted surprised to be measuring a little big, he responded with, "well this isn't going to be no 6 pound baby...I'm thinking in the 8's." Oh my poor vagina. I also asked him how many of his patients poop while pushing...about 99%. Oh that's awesome. I have this huge fear that you pretty much just told me I have no way around. He described it by saying my baby's head is like a "bulldozer"on my rectum so if there is anything hanging out in there, it's comin' out. Happy pooping everyone!