Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August 2013 aka, I can't think of a better title

Apparently I need to get pregnant more often so that I am forced to get on here and blog weekly bump updates because I am royally sucking at it lately...and no, that was not foreshadowing for any up and coming new members of the Taylor clan. We are perfectly content with our one monster...

Uh huh, yep that's what you're looking at. A real tantrum. Which have started to become a daily occurrence around here. Is it possible for a 10 month old to go through the terrible two's a little early? The "pouty looks", the "arching of the back combined with a whiny scream of pissed-offed-ness when you take the TV remote or a cell phone away", the "looking directly into your soul while throwing food on the ground" and the "smiling and continuing the naughty behavior as you're saying 'no''...yep all that bullshit has started :(
Don't get me wrong, she is pretty stinking sweet, happy and adorable most of the time and the tantrums last no longer than a couple seconds, but I just don't know how to handle these mini meltdowns with a child who doesn't understand the word 'no.' I suppose it's just the beginning huh? Oh Lord help me.

Remember this thing?! The sacred Nap Nanny!
We let her get one last rodeo in before passing
it on to her cousin.

On a more positive note, we are on the move! Kenna is working very hard on crawling but has only mastered doing it backwards. This is where I found her this morning:

And this is where I found her the other day:

And this may or may not be my way of bribing her:

 Just stretchin' it out

I think it's safe to say Kenna's first word was definitely 'Dada.' Boo!!!! I thought all along she was just putting two syllables together starting with the letter 'D', not actually knowing who her Dada was. I was wrong. One afternoon when Dad was mowing the lawn, Kenna was standing at the front window screeching "Da-yee, da-yee" in her little elf voice. She definitely knew who he was all along.

More snacks, Mom.

I'll take those.

Thank you.

Sassy McSassersins

We had a very eventful Friday a couple weeks ago. We started out the day at Smokey the Bear’s birthday party. Kenna was cool with him from afar but the second he put his big ass paw in her face she lost her marbles. It was pretty hilarious to witness. Santa Claus should be in for a treat this year!

We also saw Alan Jackson that night with our best buds. Mego was about ready to pop but she made it through. It's a damn good thing too because the rest of us were shit-canned...including her husband. Not sure how that would have panned out :)

And apparently I didn't get one single picture with my husband. That's annoying. I guess him photo-bombing the ones I did get will have to do.

And now onto the most exciting news of all...the arrival of this sweet little boy. We are so happy to finally have our nephew here!

Easton Jacob Blanchard
8-18-2013 @ 8:39PM

Jake and Megan allowed me to be in the room with them to witness the birth of their son (and hold a leg). I can honestly say it was the most incredible thing I have ever been a part of. This little man already has all of us wrapped around his finger. He is one special babe. I am so in love and so proud to be his Auntie.

Visiting Auntie in the hospital. Kenna is 
NOT going to like sharing her :)

Uncle Cars with the little dude...no, we don't have baby fever,
although he IS the most handsome mini human I've ever seen.