Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Ch Ch Changes

Hey all! We do still exist, I'm just super lazy...not to mention, we've had LOTS of changes over here.

Kenna is potty trained (what?!)...I knew it was finally time when she started, literally, taking her diaper off and telling me she needed to pee. I was all ready to send her to kindergarten in diapers. That's how NOT up for potty training I was. But I guess it's true what they say, 'you'll know when they're ready.'

Kenna was still using her pacifier at nap and bedtime. We decided it was finally time to nix that habit so we made a call to the "Night Night Fairy" who came to collect Kenna's paci (which we had left hanging on the front door) in exchange for some presents! At first she was a little leery, but then we told her money might be involved, she jumped on board. Smart girl, I tell ya!

Other happenings:

We did some winter camping.

Kenna went to the dentist! She totally rocked it and even let them get x-rays and do a full clean. We were pretty proud parents and she still talks about the prizes she got.

I traveled to Pennsylvania to celebrate my great aunts' (plural for twins) 90th birthdays! It was a blast spending time with my parents and distant family...and not having a SCHEDULE...(example: "oh wait, it's 8:30? Well hell yes let's go get dinner!")

Valentine's Day with this sweetie was so fun this year. Donuts and crafts?! Well, of course!

Carson's annual work trip was in Florida this year. We went a few days early to spend time with my family who live there and then partied it up! And by that I mean, we drank lots of pool beers, got lots of massages and went to bed by 9 :)

Then we came home to this cute thing:

Although we've had lots of fun and lots of great changes around here, I assure you things have been a real bitch lately. Kenna has definitely hit the terrible two's and pushes our buttons on a daily hourly basis. All these milestones have brought major challenges and most days I am questioning my abilities as a mother or counting down the hours until bedtime...which I might also add has turned into a complete and utter shit show. But at the end of the day, when I'm sitting on the couch (not blogging, obvi), chugging my wine and listening to my kid scream for one more book or one more song or a brighter night light or the door cracked or more blankets or a snack or to use the potty for the 15th time...I remember that, this too shall pass and I am so thankful I'm hers and she's mine.