Sunday, January 29, 2012

Miss him

My other half left for Minnesota for a week today. Sad, I am. Although we're pros in "the long distance thing," I still hate him leaving more than ever.

Love this adorable/cheesy smile

Isn't he just so super cute? (Sigh)...I sound pathetic, I know. But I sure miss my honey like crazy. 

Dear Friday:
Please come a little earlier this week!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I reflected a lot this past weekend. I reflected on my entire husband, my furry kids, our parents and siblings, friends, our home, our careers...pretty much everything that surrounds me. What I came to realize is that I am truly blessed. I am blessed to have the most amazing husband in the world who takes care of our family; who is so damn easy to look at all day long; who is so loving, caring and compassionate; who motivates me to be a better person all the time; who I catch myself staring at and falling in love with all over again daily. I am blessed to have two of the most awesome, loving, hilarious animals who never cease to entertain me; who love me unconditionally and wholeheartedly and who are always up for a good cuddle. I am blessed to have friends and family who are by my side when I need them; who I know I can always call when I need a chat; who make me laugh until I cry; who show me their love on a daily basis and never let me forget it. I love my life. If you're reading this...thank you for being in my life and know that I love you.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Carson takes flight

This Saturday, Carson and Bobert went flying with Pete (Bobert's dad). He has his own plane and has been flying for like 30 years...yes, I DID ask all these questions prior to letting my husband out of my sight. They had such a good time and Carson got some amazing photos. They flew over Owyhee Reservoir (one of our favorite boating and camping spots in the summer time) and saw parts of the lake and mountain range that most will never set eyes on. They even saw some wild horses which I thought was totally awesome. Needless to say, Carson was all smiles when he got home! Such boys!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Countdown to Powell

It is so nice to have a vacation to look forward to isn't it? We are in the beginning stages of planning our second "annual" Lake Powell excursion (except that we skipped last year due to our crazy living situation so it's more like a bi-annual excursion)...a.k.a. Powell Palooza 2.0. House boating on Lake Powell was one of the best, most memorable vacations we've had and we have been itching to go again for nearly 2 years now. We're heading back to paradise the first week of September and CANNOT WAIT!

Top Powell Palooza 1.0 Memories:

1. A week on a houseboat, on an absolutely gorgeous lake with huge red rock canyons (amazing scenery)
2. 80 degree water and 90 degree air temp
3. All the wakeboard/water ski time (on GLASS) you could ever ask for
4. Long boat excursions through towering slot canyons 
5. The endless blasting of our favorite beats and singing and dancing like total tards (Top playlist beats: All UB40 jams, DEUCES, Enrique- I Like It, Stuck like Glue, Six Pack Summer, Summer of '69, Hurt so Good, Purple Rain, MJ and many, many more)
6. The 12 of us floating in an enormous cove in our life vests with COLD BEER
7. The water fun
8. Awesome meals/dishes duty pre-planned and designated ahead of time
9. 30, 30-packs of beer...yep, that's 900 beers for those of you doing the math
10. Katy Perry/Disney song/dance and theater show performed by the girls
11. Bonfires on the shore under a clear sky full of bright stars with 11 of your favorite people
12. Laying out on the roof with a pina colada in my hand, not a care in the world, gettin' my tan 9am

(I could literally go on forever but I don't want to make anyone TOO jealous or anything.)

The ONLY 2 "Not So Top" Memories
1. Our houseboat smelled like there was a dead body stowed away in the vent system, it was awful
2. While returning the boat at the end of the week, Micah dropped the keys to his truck into deep, DEEP water...huge scary fish swimming around and all. Had to wait for like 2 hours for a scuba driver to come to the rescue when we were pissy and tired. Micah now has one of these:

The countdown is on...232 days to go!