Happy 2012! This year's celebration was a pretty laid back one, to say the least. More like, we are the lamest mid-twenty year old's ever. (Come to find out, even my pregnant sister in law was out and about and celebrating on the big night!) We went to dinner with some friends at a mexican restaurant downtown, then, as all our much cooler friends headed out for a night on the town, we headed home. Now, I might add here that New Year's Eve is NOT our favorite holiday in the first place. We don't especially like being out on the roads and quite frankly, the countdown part gives me this weird sort of anxiety...kind of like that same sort of anxiety you get when you're at a surprise party and the surprise-ee is about to walk in...yep, same feeling. Anyways, going home was not something we were too bothered by doing, however, it's the "me falling asleep by 10:30, sneaking off to my incredibly comfortable bed and new memory foam pillow and completely missing the ball drop part" that is totally lame. Oh and then getting irritated and grouchy at the neighbors setting off fireworks at midnight...guess I'm gettin' old!
Heading out to dinner. Happy New Year from the Taylors!
Us girls at dinner
What I woke up to New Year's day outside my bedroom window
"A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other."