a.) First, and probably most importantly, no cute outfits. Everything I owned was really annoying me and of course, none of it fit. So naturally I rotated between uncomfortable, tight scrubs during the day and yoga/stretch pants with thick waistbands and t-shirts that I am realizing do NOT fit anymore. Take Exhibit A for instance:
My current view as I blog.
Real attractive.
b.) My friend Krissy was in town from Portland for a couple days. Enough said.
c.) The creative juices were not flowing last week, meaning the chalkboard would be doomed and would terribly lack in the cute factor. I decided no-chalkboard was better than lame-chalkboard.
Okay excuse after excuse, I know! After all that, still ended up with a semi cute outfit and this still pretty lame chalkboard with combined weeks...who does that?!
Name one thing that makes this chalkboard even MORE lame than I originally thought?...oh how about the fact that it doesn't even say "WEEKS!" Definitely JUST realized that. I can't believe I'm even posting this disaster.
Speaking of toes...
And more belly fun
Stretch pants, of course
My belly button is as wide as a sand dollar
As I am finishing this post, I just got off the phone with my mother. They participated in their annual neighborhood garage sale over the weekend. She just revealed a little tid bit that now has me on the verge of tears...okay not real tears but please just imagine my pain.
Let me back up just a bit to give you the FULL effect; okay, remember THESE guys?
Yeah, well my collection was more along these lines...
Okay, I might be exaggerating a little. But this is not far from the truth. Look I even found a picture of me with my troll collection!...
HAHA! Just kidding, this isn't really me but, metaphorically, this is how I felt about my trolls. I loved them so much that I would have definitely set them up under a willow tree in the middle of the woods and professionally posed with them if given the opportunity.
Unfortunately, I was never given that opportunity because just as my troll collection was hitting it's prime, some other 9 year old snatch stole them from me...or so I thought.
So you're caught up on my L.F.T.? (Love For Trolls)
Yeah well Mom just told me, with this disclaimer, "I really shouldn't be telling you this but if there is one thing you'd be really pissed that we sold what would it be?"
Uh huh, yep, you got it. The line that followed will forever haunt me..."Dad found your troll collection somewhere and we sold them all!" NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
You're right mom, you should have never told me. Payback's a bitch...
Love you Mom :)