Pop Quiz: What is the name of the childcare center at Fred Meyer?
(Carson's answer: 'Freddy Bear's'---incorrect.)
We struggled with this one for a while, so Jake decided to call the store at 11pm. We then discovered it's called, 'The Fred Meyer Playland.' It's free but you can only leave your child there for an hour. So, naturally, Jake's response to this was, "well what if I shop multiple times day?" To this the employee responded (after being a little thrown off), "um, no we will still only take them for one hour a day." Then he added the only other additional "perk"...sounding VERY accommodating and definitely going for the up sale, "we take children about age 2 up through preschool!".....oh oooookay, so you're saying you watch 2,3 and 4 year olds for strictly one hour a day? SOLD!...yeah right! Needless to say, we are probably the only people in the world to start a discussion about Freddie's ghetto childcare service and then feel the need to call and get ALL the details...just to know.
Where I found my animals the other day...
They're gonna such good big brothers
Love those damn Grinch toes
And week "23" (still a week behind, sorry):