Thursday, July 5, 2012

Family Camp

I got to spend last weekend with the BEST family ever...mine. (plus Jake, Megan and Coop, of course)
We had an awesome time at Owyhee Reservoir. The Big Taylors and Pennocks came from Bend and my parents came all the way from Portland. It was an incredibly long drive for them but it was definitely worth it!

We started the "family camp" tradition a couple years ago and each year we strive for a good family pic. Here's what we ended up with this year...

(Please note: that is NOT my stomach popping through
my tank top, it's a skin colored stripe okay?---
genius designers at Target...not)

Pretty good right? Well, minus one little detail...

Yep, this guy. My dad.

He was occupied out on the lake with this...

And here comes picture overload.

Love this view


Surfing while pregnant?


Dad and Mom, me, the "head of cauliflower" and Carson

Austin's favorite perch

Pennock Fam
Addison's FIRST camp trip!

Austin's second favorite perch...he looks 
like a cartoon character

 Doesn't he?!

Lady A

 Proud Auntie and Uncle

Aaaaand, for all you that are confused with how far along I am, let me clarify. Because I am slightly a slacker, I have been posting the chalkboard picture a little late each week. I am actually 28 weeks pregnant. And let me tell you, it is starting to fly by! I can't believe 2 of my FAVORITE times of the year are right around the corner (football season and holiday season), and add a BABY to that?! I sure am one lucky girl. 
Happy Third Trimester to us!

Tiny pocket t-shirt?