Monday, August 6, 2012

I'm tired, okay?!

Okay, so it turns out, being 32 weeks pregnant sneaks up on you and time starts to fly by! I can't believe how fast these past few weeks have gone...I'm pretty sure the days are getting shorter by the hour and the weeks by the day. We cannot believe that we only have about a month and half to go. Totally insane. But we are SO excited for our little Kenna girl to get here!

Slacked on the chalkboard again.
Like I said, pretty sure there were 
only like 3 days last week

And yes, I am storing nuts in my 
cheeks for the winter

You know you're 32 weeks pregnant when:

-You full on ball your eyes out when the 'Fabulous Five' win gold in the gymnastics team all around...and then you cry again each time they replay it.

-You cry when you drop your dog off at the groomer for a simple bath and trim because he really doesn't want you to leave him.

-You clean every little crumb out of the silverware drawer.

-Your most recent Google search is: "does cellulite go away after childbirth?"
(And for those of you wondering, yes, most of it DOES go away because it's caused from fluid retention in your tissues---4 pounds worth!)
And life lately has looked a little like this:

I'm so glad someone is getting a
 solid nap in around here

Relaxing in the Terry

The handsome new pup after his groom

And then he did this

I purchased my floppy hat for Powell

A small peek into my laundry socks,
receiving blankets and washcloths

I pretty much have the cutest niece in the world

Spoonin' on a Saturday

And are you ready for this??? Mego and I worked on the nursery decor and I must say, we are the craftiest bitches I know. Here's a little sneak peek...

And a few other nursery additions:

Some girls at work threw me a "work" shower over the weekend. It was absolutely perfect and so much fun! I have such good friends and co-workers. Pictures to come soon!