Thursday, February 23, 2012

So lame...don't care

So, once again, I am home alone. Carson and Dub went camping for THE NIGHT (???---seems a little much to me too). He had the itch to get Terry (a.k.a. our trailer) out for some winter camp action. Meet Terry:

I have to work tomorrow so I am at home, doing domestic things like crafting, cleaning and currently watching a Disney movie. As if I could possibly get ANY more lame, I am also writing this as my little buddy G (a.k.a. my cat Grayson) sits next to me, staring, meowing and purring so loud that my movie is being disrupted. He is dang cute though and such good company. So back to the title of this blog, what I am about to do is so lame...but I don't care...what can I say? I heart my little G man.

Just a young lad

Love the mid-sentence shots