Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lots of updates!

I have to start by apologizing to all 3 of our avid followers for not posting in quite some time (hey mom!). It's been quite a whirlwind of events the past few weeks and frankly, one major "thing" has been consuming my mind. So I guess it's time we let you all in on a little secret...

Yep, that's right. Baby Taylor is on the way! No, we weren't "trying." But it happened and we are thrilled that we've been blessed with such a sweet surprise. As I write this, I am finishing up my 11th week (12 weeks tomorrow). I already feel like it's flying by. It's seems like just yesterday I was sitting on my bathroom floor with a newly positive pregnancy test, pretty much shitting my pants and saying "is this a joke? this is not for real. WTF?" over and over out loud to myself. Now when I said that we weren't trying, I mean we WEREN'T trying; far from actually. A little something called, as my doctor casually stated at our first appointment, "that's why birth control isn't 100%." Sweet. Well, again, after the initial shock wore off, we are really excited! It just happened a little bit sooner than us planners had planned.

I have been working on a weekly project since turning 8 weeks pregnant. (And I will say right off the bat, I totally copied a girl I found on Pinterest for this idea. I am NOT this creative.) I plan on documenting each week of my pregnancy with a chalkboard and a belly shot of course. Here's how it's going so far...

 Our little babe is due to arrive September 27th, just in time for football season and for the holidays. So exciting!

Okay moving on to the rest of our updates...Danica's baby shower was 2 weekends ago in Bend and it was a blast! She was absolutely glowing and looked so beautiful and happy. It's exciting to know our kiddos are going to be best little cousin buddies and only 5 months apart. Our sweet little niece is due the end of April and we seriously cannot wait to meet her!

Last update of this post...Carson and I took a long weekend to enjoy some sunshine down in beautiful Arizona. It was 80 degrees and insanely gorgeous. We spent most of our time by the pool with a couple good books but spent some time in Tempe and took a day trip to Sedona. We also got to meet up with Carson's cousin Barry and his family for some visiting and dinner. It was a quick trip but SO worth it for some much needed warm weather. Oh and the highlight of our trip?? Finding TECATE LIGHT (our favorite beer that isn't sold anywhere near us). Unfortunately, I did not get to partake in the drinking festivities but that's okay...only about 200 sober days to go!

I got C hooked on The Hunger Games! He was
a major bookworm the entire trip.

Dear Tecate Light: We have a sick obsession with you,
your friend lime and your other friend salt. Please
make your way up to Idaho someday.

This was slightly tortuous to watch but Carson seemed
to see my pain so he complimented me with, "Babe, I 
really appreciate you carrying my child." 
It helped...a little.

Me enjoying a delicious banana smoothie.

And Baby T enjoying a little sun.