Thursday, May 31, 2012

22 Weeks

Surprise! We've thought long and hard and have decided that our little girl will be named Kenna. So remember my post at, oh say about 16 or 18 weeks, about people's opinions on names? Yeah, this is where you remember that one. Although I KNOW everyone thinks it's adorable and loves it so I have nothing to worry about right?  :)

We have been set on Kenna for a few months and our love for it gets stronger each day. Probably because we already refer to her by this name, so naturally, it has become her identity. We have also decided that her middle name will be J. We have had a few members of our families pass away over the past year, both who's names have started with J. AND Carson's middle name is Jay so all in all, we feel it's very fitting.

She is 8-8.5 inches long this week! And FYI, this is just from head to bum; apparently, because they are so scrunched up in there, they don't start measuring from head to toe for a few more months. According to my baby update she is about the size of one of these:

 (I didn't know what a papaya looked like either, don't worry)

or one of these:

I kind of thought these food items were a little boring so I decided to do my own little search for "things that are 8 inches long" in Google images. For all you sickos who's brains are in the gutter right now (like mine is about 92% of the time) yes, everything that follows is G rated. Here are some of the RANDOM and hilarious things that popped up in my search.

 No idea what this even is...maybe one of those
tools we had in elementary to draw perfect circles with?!

Not only is this apparently 8 inches long but,
it is also titled "spikiest things in the world" 

I'm willing to bet nothing in this picture is 8 inches long...

So random

I'm pretty much speechless. What?!

And last but not Haha! What IS this?
And how does this fit "things that are 8 inches long" in
ANY sort of way?

Note to self and to readers: 
be careful what you search for.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Things I learned this week...

-To not be offended when an elderly patient in a wheelchair looks at my belly and says, "are you expecting a child or is that just gas?" (yes, that really happened)

-Scrub pants do NOT grow with your growing pregnant ass. I bent over today and the crotch tore. I almost cried.

-What everyone means by pregnancy meltdown because I had one today. After I got home from work (the day of the great crotch tear), I struggled terribly trying to figure out what to wear to the grocery store. I felt like a frump in my "comfy" VS sweats and the only 2 pairs of jeans that fit right now were dirty or in the washer, so I turned to a pair of loose fitting work out pants that I knew wouldn't fail me...however, they did. They were tight and uncomfortable. I completely fell apart. I ripped them off and stood in the closet in my underwear crying. It was a pathetic sight. Luckily, I have the sweetest husband in the whole world who knew just what to say and he made sure we made it to the store in one lifesaver.

-I probably painted my toenails for the last time during this pregnancy. I can barely bend over, let alone sit on the ground and REACH my toes. (Sigh)

I may sound like a complainer but, the truth is, I really have NOTHING to complain about. This pregnancy has been pretty much flawless so far. I feel great, I haven't been sick or even nauseous one bit, no heartburn and lots of energy. I feel extremely fortunate for that being that almost all my friends who are pregnant right now felt like crap for the first few weeks. I am telling myself that because things have been so easy up to this point (I just knocked on wood BTW), our little darling is going to be an easy baby. Logical theory right? I'll let you know how that turns out for me in about 4 months...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Beers, Boats and Babies

Well, it happened folks...the bikini made an appearance this past weekend. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, however, it took some convincing from Mego and Carson to get me to step foot out of the trailer. Between the non stop Eric Church (per Carson's request) and Nicki Minaj (per Skip's request), all the "super fires" the boys felt the need to build both nights out of entire trees, Traeger-ing almost every meal possible and 7 people and 2 dogs sharing the Terry, we had a total blast. As always.
Paws waited patiently for each boat ride. 
It is HIS boat you know...

 Dear Bu (as in Malibu)-
It has been a terribly long, sad winter without you;
we are so glad you're back again.

The boys' usual camping perch

Like my ear? I look like an elf...with a lot
of unnecessary cleavage.


Carson's newly discovered head rest

We purchased our crib this week! Side note to all expecting parents-don't wait until the last minute to pick out your crib. As soon as I decided on THE ONE, the store broke it to me that it would take 16 weeks to ship because they were out of stock. Um, 4 months? Seriously??? Well, that's just awesome. Luckily, after doing my own research, I found the last freaking one in Boise and snatched it up. I almost had a few meltdowns along the way but I'd say I held it together pretty well. That night, we headed over to Jake and Megan's for a barbeque, chalkboard sesh and crib building...never imagined I'd be saying THAT a year ago.

Happy Halfway to us!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Happy Mother's Day to the two best moms in the world...and all the other moms in our lives! Carson and I feel so blessed to have these two beautiful ladies in our lives who have taught us so much about life and love and have shown us what it means to be an extraordinary parent. We love you!

Mom and I, definitely in the 80' of my favorites!

Carson's very first love

Love them

A VERY special Happy Mother's Day to the newest mommy we know

And I sure love being a mom to him...

And this guy...

And can't WAIT to be a mom to her...
Speaking of our little tiny dancer, our 20 week ultrasound went great! She is absolutely perfect and healthy in every way and still measuring to arrive at the end of September. Here are some of our favorite shots...

Cutest little radius and ulna I'VE ever seen!

 Look at that limb! I think she takes after me :)
Perfect for becoming a little ballerina in a couple years.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Tonight I am sitting on my couch, staring down at my larger than life tummy (which I am convinced grew over night), that is delightfully stuffed with a delicious meal I just ate at Amanda's and thinking, 'how the f*@# am I going to put a bikini on this weekend?' Yeah, that's right. Boating season is officially starting. For some reason I had convinced myself it wouldn't really come this year and I could skip straight to football season in September. I was so very wrong.

Tonight I am also thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow is a big day for us. It's our 20 week ultrasound appointment! Although I can hardly contain my excitement to see how much our girl has grown in the past few weeks, I am also very nervous. They will measure her body parts and organs, make sure all is functioning normally, blah blah blah. I don't think it would be normal to just assume everything is perfect. That would be a little naive right? I'm staying positive but also staying cautious.

Tonight, she is KICKING! I think she knows I'm blogging about her because she instantly started letting me know she's in there. Talk about a WEIRD feeling. I wasn't absolutely positive it was her until this week but now I definitely know. I love it. So reassuring! Oh and speaking of "her", she is about the weight of one of these this week:

And the length of one of these:

Okay so I may be cheating a little bit...again, I'm kind of a week behind with the chalkboard thing but who's really counting anyways?

I am fully aware that my board slightly sucks this week. I erased it like 3 times and still ended up with this crap. I was way more focused on my adorable new maternity top. My very first purchase at Motherhood Maternity, thank you very much.

Mego and I had an extremely lesbian-ish, baby craft weekend while the boys went camping. It consisted of watching classic movies on ABC family such as Lion King, Mrs. Doubtfire and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the original "someone was on drugs when they made this movie" of course), fabric shopping, naps, and sewing. We. are. losers. However, we were extremely productive. We recovered the $20 Craigslist glider I found and hand made the curtains for the nursery. I am so happy with how it turned out...we totally rock.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

She's here!

Our sweet baby niece arrived over the weekend and we are totally in love with her...

Addison Virginia Pennock
April 28th, 7:25am
6.6 lbs. 19 in.

We are so glad we were able to make it for Addison's big debut. Although driving through the night and not getting to Bend until 4 AM sucked the big one, it was definitely worth it. My poor sister in law was in labor for about 14 hours...and after all was said and done (a.k.a. baby out of vagina), she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "I feel SO bad for you." Why thank you, D. It was a terrifying yet hilarious statement I'll never forget. Guess I have a lot to look forward to!

Sorry ahead of time for the picture overload but I went a little nuts with the photog. She is just so dang precious, I couldn't help but have a camera in her face for 3 straight days.

Our first official "gift" to the new parents...
Coors Light for D and PBR for Rob. Cheers!

Proud Papa and Nana

Uncle Cars

We don't look too bad for being up for
24 hours straight huh?

JT was having a secret convo with Addison
as I took this pic...not sure what he was whispering
but I'm pretty sure I saw some tears in his eyes :)

Love her

Rob's stuffed animal as a it's Addi's turn

Hello cutest dress I've ever seen!

Bro and sis

Tiny girl

Austin not so sure about the whole ordeal;
better get used to it buddy

Mom, Dad and family of 3

And me at 18 weeks! (I'll be honest, I am actually 19 weeks 
today as I post this but shhhhhh...) Almost to the halfway point!