Surprise! We've thought long and hard and have decided that our little girl will be named Kenna. So remember my post at, oh say about 16 or 18 weeks, about people's opinions on names? Yeah, this is where you remember that one. Although I KNOW everyone thinks it's adorable and loves it so I have nothing to worry about right? :)
We have been set on Kenna for a few months and our love for it gets stronger each day. Probably because we already refer to her by this name, so naturally, it has become her identity. We have also decided that her middle name will be J. We have had a few members of our families pass away over the past year, both who's names have started with J. AND Carson's middle name is Jay so all in all, we feel it's very fitting.
She is 8-8.5 inches long this week! And FYI, this is just from head to bum; apparently, because they are so scrunched up in there, they don't start measuring from head to toe for a few more months. According to my baby update she is about the size of one of these:
(I didn't know what a papaya looked like either, don't worry)
or one of these:
I kind of thought these food items were a little boring so I decided to do my own little search for "things that are 8 inches long" in Google images. For all you sickos who's brains are in the gutter right now (like mine is about 92% of the time) yes, everything that follows is G rated. Here are some of the RANDOM and hilarious things that popped up in my search.
No idea what this even is...maybe one of those
tools we had in elementary to draw perfect circles with?!
Not only is this apparently 8 inches long but,
it is also titled "spikiest things in the world"
I'm willing to bet nothing in this picture is 8 inches long...
So random
I'm pretty much speechless. What?!
And last but not Haha! What IS this?
And how does this fit "things that are 8 inches long" in
ANY sort of way?
Note to self and to readers:
be careful what you search for.