Thursday, May 10, 2012


Tonight I am sitting on my couch, staring down at my larger than life tummy (which I am convinced grew over night), that is delightfully stuffed with a delicious meal I just ate at Amanda's and thinking, 'how the f*@# am I going to put a bikini on this weekend?' Yeah, that's right. Boating season is officially starting. For some reason I had convinced myself it wouldn't really come this year and I could skip straight to football season in September. I was so very wrong.

Tonight I am also thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow is a big day for us. It's our 20 week ultrasound appointment! Although I can hardly contain my excitement to see how much our girl has grown in the past few weeks, I am also very nervous. They will measure her body parts and organs, make sure all is functioning normally, blah blah blah. I don't think it would be normal to just assume everything is perfect. That would be a little naive right? I'm staying positive but also staying cautious.

Tonight, she is KICKING! I think she knows I'm blogging about her because she instantly started letting me know she's in there. Talk about a WEIRD feeling. I wasn't absolutely positive it was her until this week but now I definitely know. I love it. So reassuring! Oh and speaking of "her", she is about the weight of one of these this week:

And the length of one of these:

Okay so I may be cheating a little bit...again, I'm kind of a week behind with the chalkboard thing but who's really counting anyways?

I am fully aware that my board slightly sucks this week. I erased it like 3 times and still ended up with this crap. I was way more focused on my adorable new maternity top. My very first purchase at Motherhood Maternity, thank you very much.

Mego and I had an extremely lesbian-ish, baby craft weekend while the boys went camping. It consisted of watching classic movies on ABC family such as Lion King, Mrs. Doubtfire and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the original "someone was on drugs when they made this movie" of course), fabric shopping, naps, and sewing. We. are. losers. However, we were extremely productive. We recovered the $20 Craigslist glider I found and hand made the curtains for the nursery. I am so happy with how it turned out...we totally rock.