Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Taylor Traditions

Preface: Thought I "published" this on Saturday. Didn't. Written on 11-16-13

It is officially WINTER in Boise...I about lost my shiz this morning when I peeked out my window and saw that the first snow had fallen overnight. (Which is a little weird thinking that we were at 10 Barrel Brewery's "Pray for Snow" party just last night.) Knowing Boise, it will all be melted by this afternoon but that's fine with me. Driving through downtown this morning (PS it is Saturday as I type this and I'm working---this should be illegal) seeing Christmas lights on trees and snow on the building tops, I got pretty overwhelmed with the excitement of the fast approaching holidays. One thing I could do without? Traffic. Ever since Halloween, I am convinced every person in Boise insists on being on the road, the same road, at the same time that I am. What the hell is up with that? Don't you know I have places to be people? Uh-noy-ying. To say the least... okay, back to the holidays, yes please! Bring them on! I already want to decorate my house with everything red and I may or may not have tuned in to 'Holiday Traditions' on XM in my car this morning. And if I EVEN happen to come across Home Alone or White Christmas on TV, it's gonna be over. My eyes are turning into spinning peppermints just thinking about it! I need to just calm down right?! Nope.

Love this beautiful city we live in. So. Much.

Although it will (technically) be Kenna's second go at the holidays, I feel like it's her first. This time last year she was 2 months old and kind of a turd (BUT she was damn cute so that helped). She was a blob of baby that had come into my perfect world and insisted on screaming in my face most days.

Yep, pretty much sums it up...Christmas Day 2012

Cuteness cousin overload. 
Addison (8 months), Kenna (3 months) 
Christmas Day 2012

This year she is a busy one year old full of smiles and giggles and kisses and real words and...the list could go on for days. This girl is going to be a blast to spoil and start our family traditions with. Speaking of traditions, I thought I'd share what we do slash plan to start doing around the Taylor household for the most wonderful time of year. Not because I think you actually care to know what we do but so that I have it documented as a promise to myself and my family to not slack year to year :)

Taylor Family Christmas Traditions:
  • Deck the halls promptly after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas tree up and decorated within the FIRST week of December
  • Bake and decorate sugar cookies with my mini...and try to not get anxiety when she will, undoubtedly, rub frosting on the fridge doors and throw sprinkles on the floor
  • Play holiday music on the TV/radio/phone at all times during the month of December...or 2 weeks before that...like now
Christmas Eve:
  • Candlelight Christmas Eve service
  • Dine out for Chinese food (tradition from the Darney side)
  • Home for 2 presents from Mom and Dad (1. new pair of Christmas pj's for the night and 2. a holiday movie)
  • Leave milk and cookies out for Santa and carrots for the reindeer (of COURSE!)
  • Read same Christmas book every year as a family, under the tree, before the kiddo heads off to bed (haven't decided which one yet but I am strongly leaning towards The Polar Express)
  • Late night hot tottie for the parentals and, if we're still awake which most likely will not be the case, we'll watch....okay, fall asleep watching...either the traditional (I'm talking black and white version) of The Christmas Carol or the equally as awesome Jim Carrey version of The Christmas Carol. Both rock my socks off and scream "It's CHRISTMAS!" to me in a very large and obnoxious kind of way.
Christmas Day:
  • Hopefully we wake up to an abundance of snow on the ground and falling outside
  • Coffee (milk for the babe) and presents
  • Cinnabons (tradition from the Taylor side)
  • Stockings (done last in my household, done first in Carson's...not sure how we'll handle it this year)
  • Naps
  • Snacks and adult beverages
  • Multiple walks to make more room for snacks and adult beverages
  • Movies
  • Prime rib dinner accompanied by too many sides to count
  • Gain at least 5 pounds
I. can't. wait.

And because I apparently haven't updated since before Halloween:

Latest Fall family photoshoot. Do I have the most adorable little fam ever or what?!

And the big girl doing big girl things like half naked scooter rides around the house and facing forward in the car. Waaaah :(