A new year means a new blog look and a fresh start! After realizing my little blog had not had a new look since, well since it became a blog in 2011, I decided it needed a makeover. However, I went with a "simpler" theme. Which I feel has become my motto for 2014. 'Live more simply.' So far that has been applied to this blog and my hair. That's right! I went all natural folks, back to my roots...literally. Some other goals I have for this year include reading the entire Harry Potter series (and then watching all the movies), limit swearing (please note that by this I mean swearing "out loud," meaning this blog is fair game for my potty mouth and shit talking), drink more water and as always, be more fit and take better care of myself.
Here's a recep of the end of 2013:
We spent Thanksgiving in Portland at my parents' house. Carson was finishing up some work in Eastern Oregon that week so he drove the 7 hours. I had to work here that week so Kenna and I flew over on Wednesday night and met him there. I was pretty much shittin' my pants being that I had to fly ALONE with a 14 month old, on what I was sure would be an incredibly full, small, crammed plane during what is normally her bed time. But one happy meal, a row to ourselves, lots of coloring, lots of snacks and an hour later, we landed in Portland without one single peep of irritation from the babe. As I am celebrating my success and the plane is making it's way to the gate, I am so focused on packing all of the "baby distracting items" I've brought for the occasion (which are now scattered all along the seats and floor) into the diaper bag when Kenna flies off my lap into the ledge of the window, busting the inside of her upper lip open (for the second time in 2 days), blood is gushing and NOW we have a pissed off kid. Awe.Some. Luckily, we have one tough cookie, she cried for 10 seconds. I gave her a baby wipe to suck on and all was good. Overall, I am tallying it up as one big, fat success.
First happy meal!
Did I mention we have PIGGIES!?! Kind of.
Coloring in her Honda coloring book from Uncle Bobert :)
I think we spent 40 minutes of the 55 minute flight, putting the 4 crayons
in the box, then out of the box...then in the box, then out of the box.
Hey, whatever works right?
"G-G-Pa" cuddling his new favorite little girl.
Carson, Jim, Grandpa Wally, the little rascal, my dad and Grandpa Carl... love them.
Loves her Papa and Nana!
Kenna with Dada and Grandpa.
I am such a hot mess in this picture, I advise you to not look too closely.
Us girls with my dad, Grandpa and Uncle Glenn. I don't see a resemblance at all do you? :)
Somewhere in between Thanksgiving and Christmas, our prayers to the Beer Gods were answered...
Tecate Light is finally being sold in Boise! Eeeeek!
Then came Christmas:
And then lots of snow!
And then after this picture was taken, I gave Kenna yet another bang trim.
And I probably could have done a better job.
Kenna and her pal Emmy had a play date at our house!
I have never heard the word "ball" more times in my life than I did in this moment.
We went to Mitch and Amanda's yearly white elephant/ugly sweater party.
Fun fact: this lovely sweater vest was hand made for me when I was born. I freaking love it.
Is it called photo bombing if your friend's face is screen printed on an article of clothing in your picture?
At some point I captured these amazing shots:
She loved helping me put the "balls" (ornaments) on the tree. As the weeks went on, she also loved picking up the fallen needles, one by one, and carefully placing them back on the tree :)
We visited Santa! We stood in line for 2 hours and the second she saw him, she lost her damn marbles. I loved every second of it. I was really hoping to have just Kenna and Paws in the shot with Santa. However, with her death grip on my hair and shirt, that became very difficult so we settled for a family pic instead.
Mid-shot smooch from my babe. Husband looks exceptionally awkward.
Nana and Papa made the trip over and we were SO happy to have them!
Then Santa came! (He clearly wasn't too offended by Kenna's outrageous behavior two days prior.)
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (her JAM right now) BALL PIT!
The weekend after Christmas, my parents came for a "second" Christmas. Any BTW, "second Christmas" rocks. We got to do it all over again!
K got her first Cabbage Patch Kid and is totally obsessed.
And then I think she got a little confused.
I failed miserably by only getting this ONE picture of Kenna and Grandma (which I'm sure she'll be thrilled about when she sees...hi mom!)
And here are just a couple of my favs from the end of a wonderful year:
And this was the last official picture of 2013. We got a sitter, went out to dinner with a group of friends and hit up an awesome little wine bar downtown...hence our purple grills. We were home by 10, I actually MADE IT UP TO MIDNIGHT and then promptly snuck off to bed. The perfect ending to a perfect night!
We started 2014 off with a bang. Carson woke up New Year's Day with the flu which left him couch bound for 3 days and now a week later, still has a lingering cough and barely a voice. THEN, I ended up in the ER last night with a severe sudden onset allergic reaction to shellfish.We had shrimp with dinner and 30 minutes later is when the fun began. My eyes, lips and tongue swelled, I was tomato red, covered in hives and when my throat started to tighten, I decided it was time to head to the hospital. Luckily, when you're having a severe allergic reaction, they treat you like you're dying so you get taken back immediately. After being pumped full of epinephrine and IV Benadryl (and some other things that I vaguely remember due to the large amount of Benadryl going straight into my blood stream, which was pretty nice I might add), an hour and a half later I was back to normal and discharged to go home. I have eaten shrimp for years with no problems but apparently my body has now said, "F that". Sadness.
Hope you all had a fantastic holiday season and we wish you all the best in 2014!
This 15 month old can hardly contain her excitement for the new year!