I've finally decided the time is now to get back into my blogging groove but to not stress about it like I used to. From now on, I will spend those 12 extra minutes playing outside as the sun goes down, those 10 extra minutes letting my kid run around naked like a wild banshee (which more frequently than not ends with shit or piss on the floor), 7 extra minutes cleaning up the shit or piss and 5 extra minutes reading just one more book and cuddling on the couch with my daughter. Because, like I said, life is just too damn short.
On April 23rd, 2014, we lost my father in law suddenly. It has been a rough couple months for all of us, to say the least. James Lee Taylor (more commonly JT or Jim) was one of the most special people I have ever had in my life. He and I shared a very unique bond; one that I'm not sure is always common between father and daughter in laws. He teased me frequently; like the time I was, oh you know, 7 months pregnant and I may or may not have chosen a maxi dress that wasn't the least bit flattering on my fat ass and Jim said to me, "I can't tell if you're coming or going!" Or the other time I took a pretty big leap of faith and dyed my hair from platinum blonde to brown to which he made very clear, "I just don't like it." (and for the record, my hair is back to blonde.) He was always honest with me and always ended our visits with the biggest, strongest, most heartfelt hug, a kiss on the cheek and an "I love you." I am so thankful for the time we had with him and the time our daughter got to know her Papa. Love you JT, you are and always will be missed.
And now for the catch up section; all the happenings since my last post (let this be your warning):
We watched this cute boy for a weekend while his parents celebrated their 10 year anniversary in Vegas:
Kenna takes some selfies:
We all got the flu bug:
Spent Superbowl in Bend:
Where Kenna also finger painted my Christmas present (a custom wakesurf! Jealous?):
It snowed, a lot. And this happened:
Some in between:
Girls Trip to Phoenix (no kids):
More in between (trying to go in chronological here people!):
At some point, Kenna developed an incredible love for school buses...I'd describe it as a little unhealthily obsessive:
We all got the flu bug:
Chairman's Counsel (Carson's annual incentive trip for work) in Half Moon Bay then on to Palm Springs:
Mother's Day photo shoot:
Cousin Time:
Attended a few weddings:
Annual Girls Weekend came to Boise this year:
Country Fest in Utah...Carson met only our FAVORITE country artist ever, Mr. Gary Allen:
Have your eyes popped out of your head yet with picture overload? #sorryimnotsorry
Our big girl is just that...big. 2 is quickly approaching and I'm not sure I'm ready for it. (Cue the ugly face cry.) Kenna amazes us everyday with how bright and funny her little personality is. This toddler phase truly is awesome...and exhausting. But we love every single second of this crazy ride.
Now that you're caught up (and I'm sure pulling your hair out with irritation at how long this damn post was), I am going to make an honest effort from here on out to blog when the time is right.
*Not pictured: Our 3rd "every other annual" Lake Powell house boat trip. You best believe that's an entire post to itself. Stay tuned!