I went to the gym the other night (surprising, I know) because I'm starting to feel like I have "bat wings" under my arms. And more jiggles than I care to even think about. While at the gym, something I'll never forget happened. I got my first "when are you due?" from a very sweet girl. She had been staring at me for a while with the weird slash creepy slash awkward grin, so naturally I tried to avoid her gaze. Well, we ended up on the same circuit machine and she clearly could no longer contain her wonder. So very politely, she asked me "the question." When I told her I was about four and half months, she instantly lit up (I assume very pleased with herself for not making a huge mistake) and told me that I looked great and "good for you for working out." (Side note: not sure I would call what I was doing "working out" but whatever, I'll take it) So I guess I'm past the beer belly phase now. I'm really pregnant. And people are noticing. On to the random stranger belly rubs it is!
Please take special note of my stringy, greasy
hairdo. I swear I still care about my
appearance...most of the time. AND pretty
sure I've worn my maternity leggings for the last
3-5 photoshoots. They're pretty much amazing.
After eating a pizza amongst the the four of us,
Jake and Carson decided they were still hungry.
While Megan and I slaved away on the beautiful
creation above, the boys went to the store and
came back with this smorgasbord of after dinner snacks.
No, the glass of wine did not belong to me. Although
I very much wish it had. However, red wine
compliments Eggos and tots extremely well,
if you're looking for a new combo.