Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Life Lately

Cars and I flew down to San Francisco for my Auntie Petey's memorial this past weekend. It was a beautiful service and a true celebration of her life; we are really glad we were able to make it and spend time with family. She was SO incredibly loved...150 filled the church! It was awesome.

The weather was absolutely gorgeous in Cali and being on the beach made me slightly angry that we aren't closer to it. I forgot my camera but got to try out my newly downloaded Instagram app. I know, I know, I have been living under a rock right? Well, I'm obsessed with it now. So here you go...our weekend  Instagram-ed (plus a few extras for fun).

The beach was a cluster f*** and it gave 
me anxiety so this is as far as I would go.

Hotel room view

We 3 Taylors

Me and my daddy. This particular angle is NOT
flattering for me and my belly. I look like a bowling pin.

Me and my mama...right after I took this picture 
in the car and started messing with it in Instagram, 
I got instantly car sick. Just another lovely 
symptom of carrying a child.

My two favorite men in the whole world

Well, besides maybe him

And him

Carson ran his first organized race a couple weeks 
ago with Bobert and Jake...a 5k called Beat Coach 
Pete. They all beat Pete; Jake only by 4 seconds
 after getting pushed off the trail and rolling his ankle.
 HAHA! I know it's mean to laugh but it's so 
damn typical of Jake, I just can't contain myself.

And, debuting her first head shots, here's our 
tiny Taylor. She's even got the fist pump down!

***Chalkboard weekly update coming soon...too busy waiting around for a phone call that our little niece is on her way into the world. Danica (my sis in law) was due on Sunday so now we're playing the waiting game. As soon as we hear anything, we're jumping in the car and driving to Bend for the occasion. Hopefully her arrival will be my next post!