Thursday, April 5, 2012

I'm making a human...what have YOU done today?

All of a sudden I actually look pregnant. It's super weird, but I totally popped out at 14 weeks and now I am noticing people looking at my belly, yet still not saying anything...thankfully. I'm pretty sure the first time I am asked by a stranger if I'm pregnant or when I'm due (without them knowing for sure) is going to be bittersweet. I'm excited to finally look like I'm not just bloated or stuffed full of rainbow chip cupcakes (my favorite fyi, wink wink), but I think it will be a moment I'll never forget. It will mark the beginning of people not looking at my face, which is fine because it's covered in baby acne anyways, but looking at my stomach. It will also mark the random stranger "belly rubs" that I'm not sure how I will react to when the time comes...flattering yet slightly weird right? Bottom line, I look pregnant. I am growing a human. And I am pretty damn excited about it; we both are. And to celebrate our excitement, we purchased our first baby items over the weekend. For as long as I can remember, I have always dreamed of rocking my children in a glider rocking chair. Maybe because I remember how much I LOVED being rocked as a baby and I know my kids will too. Well, I found an awesome cherry wood glider and ottoman in great condition for $20 on Craigslist. I plan on recovering the cushions to match our nursery decor when that time comes. The couple who sold it to us were so sweet and also threw in a boppy, blanket and some brand new nursery books...which we died laughing at the second we read them! Real mature we are; definitely mature enough to become parents right? We also found a Boon grass drying rack at at a thrift store for $2! It's used for drying bottles and other items and looks damn cute on counter tops. I already knew I wanted one of these so this was the highlight of my shopping trip...that's pretty sad. Here's what it looks like if you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about:

So I guess we're officially starting to act like this is really happening. We started moving Carson's office to the upstairs room to make way for the nursery. The more we talk about our little offspring, the more excited we both get. It's a pretty amazing thing this happened. We are slightly terrified over the whole affair but we know, in the end, we'll be great parents. I can't wait to meet my little monster! Eeeeeeeee! (translation: those who know me know that this is my excited voice; used only in really exciting moments in conversation.)

Huge RIGHT?! Oh geez.