This week's post is dedicated to my late Auntie Petey who we lost this past week. She was a beautiful, strong, courageous, loving woman who will be greatly missed.
November 2009 Auntie Petey at our wedding
My mom, Auntie Petey and myself at my college graduation
May 2008
What a crazy week we've had! One of the most CRAZY moments yet? Why don't you just take a peek below...
Yep, that's right. Screw my intuition; we're having a GIRL! Holy shitballs. I had been so sure it was a boy and even completely convinced Carson it was too. So, needless to say, we were SHOCKED. Totally shocked. But after the initial shock wore off, we got super excited! We even went out and each picked out our first little baby girl outfits, both damn cute!
We also picked out the nursery paint color. Carson surprised me and got the room all prepped and painted the next day! I absolutely love how it turned out. We're thinking grays, brown furniture with white, coral and pale pink accents. A touch of girl (of COURSE) yet still subtle and modern.
Like I said, we were very shocked and surprised to find out our little babe is a girl, but we couldn't be happier. Although we got scanned earlier than normal (perks of working in medical imaging), baby girl looks very healthy and is growing just as she should...which is really all we could ever ask for. We have our big 20 week ultrasound in about 3 weeks, at which they will measure and evaluate everything about her. I'm still not totally sure if I've felt her move yet, how am I supposed to know what it feels like?! I think everything is gas bubbles. I hope to know for sure that it's her soon. Names you ask? Not really. We have a few that we like but probably won't tell until it's decided. Our reasoning behind this: because we really don't want your opinion if you hate it. And we especially don't want, "oooohhhhh I knew a little girl with that name but she picked her nose and ate it so now I hate that name." or "I knew a girl with that name and she was a total slut." Thank you for your input but, seriously, that is so totally rude. We feel that if we can say "it's decided, this is the name we've chosen," then maybe, just maybe, people will keep their dis-approvals quiet. Seriously, who is really going to tell you they hate the name you chose after you tell them it's official. No one I hope. Especially none of you reading this right?
Well, here's to another week of getting chubby. I have a long way to go but summer's right around the corner which means boating and sunshine and getting TAN, which we all know makes us feel so much better about ourselves (especially when we're packing on the lbs.)!